Thursday 19 September 2013

Research into mise-en-scene (Miss Georgiou)

What is mise-en-scene?
Mise-en-scene is all the visual information in the front of the camera. It is a French word and communicates information to the audience.
There are five main elements of mise-en-scene. These include;
1. Setting and iconography
2.Hair, make-up costume
3.Facial expressions and body language
4.Lighting and colour
5.Position of character and objects

Introduction into my chosen clip and the film plot behind it.

My thriller clip that I will be analysing is from the film 'The Conjuring'. The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan. The story is based upon the Peron family who have just moved into their new house ready to start a new life. However on arrival family pet dog, Sadie, refuses to enter the house and is found dead the next morning suggesting that the dog was able to sense the presence living in the house. Despite this, as the family begins to adapt to their new life they start to experience increasingly disturbing events that they can't explain.  After hearing various clapping, giggling, and seeing the pictures shattered on the stairs, Carolyn is locked up in the cellar. Soon after this Carolyn contacts paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren trying to enlist them for help. The Warrens then conduct an initial investigation and conclude that the house may require an exorcism, but they needed authorization from the Catholic Church and further evidence before that.
Whilst researching the history of the house, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba, who tried to sacrifice her children to the devil and killed herself in 1863 after cursing all who would take her land. They find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the property. The film then follows the activity happening during this time and their attempt to save the Peron family. But are they too late?

My chosen clip is the scene where Carolyn is locked in the cellar and her ditch attempt to escape from what’s always right behind her.

Analysis of the mise-en scene displayed in the conjuring 'clap clap' scene.

1. Setting and Iconography
This scene is set in the basement of the Peron families house. At first we are not clear as to where the door leads however as soon as she falls down the stairs and ends up in a heap on the floor of the room the setting soon becomes clear. A basement is often used in thrillers as it is the one room that is able to instantly create an eerie feel to the scene. This is because as an audience you expect something to happen as it is a secluded location and she can be easily ambushed and trapped inside as there is only one exit from the room and what lies within it. Due to the factor basement scenes are very predictable and popular in thrillers as they manage to isolate the character and give them a sense of being trapped as under the house is usually neglected so anything could be hiding among the boxes of possessions.
A stairway is also used when the lady is leaning over the top of the stairs looking down with a match stick in her hand. A stairway is often used is thrillers as it acts as a barrier between the people being attacked and their fellow victims watching them as in order to get to them they need to go up or down the stairs and by this point it may already be too late.
In terms of iconography although lots of items are present once Carolyn has fallen down the stairs in the basement however certain objects are highlighted to create importance to them. A perfect example of this would be the ball that rolls across the ground. Although other objects could have been used, which in a thriller is typically more scary such as dolls, the ball is perfect in creating the suspense needed in order to create a successful thriller film as thrillers storylines thrive on the audiences anticipation. Typically a ball is cast into the genre of play items for young children but also a game that adults can be involved in to. Due to being a play toy this immediately creates suspense and manages to relate back to the story line as the spirit in the house keeps wanting to 'play' with the Peron family suggesting that it is a young child. This idea of playing is then reinforced by the line "do you want to play hide and clap". As well as this the ball is also a great prop selected for this film as it is able to move unassisted as compared to other props that could have been just as affected in suggesting play a ball is able to roll on its own which helps create extra suspense as the audience start to question where the ball is going to stop. Although typical of a thriller film this action is also favoured in action films as often iconography ends up revealing a key character as it typically stops by the foot of the character in question.
As well as this a match box is also used whilst Carolyn is at the top of the stairs. This is a good prop to use as a light source it naturally flickers and can be an unreliable light source as it burns out which creates suspense as we begin to imagine does Carolyn only have the time left which is on her match stick which again creates a new level of anticipation as the film progresses.
2. Hair, make-up and costume
In terms of hair in this scene Carolyn's hair has been left to look un-brushed as well as wild and ragged. This may be used as the stylist way of emphasising the feelings being experienced by Carolyn as inside she may be feeling shaken and indeed ragged as she has not managed to have a good nights sleep. On the other hand Carolyn's hair may have been left un kept to suggest the actress just waking up and experiencing 'bed head' to make the scene seem as natural and realistic as possible. Leaving the main characters initial look to fall apart is very stereotypical of a thriller film as in order to emphasis the effect of the paranormal presence has had on the character suggesting they are no longer able to function as they normally would as their life has been turned upside down.
This same feeling applies to the make-up used in the film as well. The limited use of any make up in this film made to look very natural as though actress has none on. This results in the actress appearing to have very pale skin, with dark circles under the eyes. These are typical qualities of an leading role in a thriller as for casting the ideal person was has pale almost translucent skin in order for it to appear that all life and colour had been drained away. As well as this dark circles are also very common as they are an indication of someone not receiving enough sleep which works well with a thriller story line as the person is made to appear to be too scared to sleep as that is when most paranormal activity happens showing they have to be on edge at all times.
The costume used in this scene consists of a pair of pyjamas and a dressing gown. The creates a relaxed vibe towards the character as it appears as though they have just woken up or about to go to bed. However through being in pyjamas this creates the idea that the character then, as a result isn't planning on leaving the house at any point meaning she is alone in the house leaving plenty opportunity for something to happen. However with this costume although the pyjamas are quite neutral there is the use of the pink dressing gown. This adds a bit of colour into the scene so that the actress becomes the main focus and attention. As well as this it also means that she is easy to locate in a dimly lit scene as pink is a bright colour that is easily identifiable.
3. Facial expressions and body language
The general facial expressions used within the scene are ones that display the characters fear and desperation. At the top of the stairs when looking down to begin with her face seems full of anger which leads to suggest that she is fed up of what is beginning to happen to her family and at this point believes she can face it. However after falling down the stairs the facial expression used change suddenly. The lady then becomes scared, confused and desperate as she tries to escape from a being she cannot see. This emotions and facial expressions are very typical of a thriller film as they are used to convey to the audience how the actor is feeling. This helps create a bond and a relationship with the central characters and you can understand and relate to them more and create sympathy towards the actor.
The body language used by Carolyn in this scene again adapts as the scene progresses. At the start the actress appears at the top of the stairs standing in a solid position showing that she is strong and in control as her whole body can be seen on camera. However once being pushed down the stairs the actress then sits at the bottom the stairs in a ball like position, which is mirrored by the ball itself, suggesting she is trying to make herself as small as possible and is broken. Carolyn then runs back to the top of the stairs where she is kneeling down crouching over the stairs. This shows that she is still curious as to what is down the bottom of the stairs however she is no longer superior to the room and resorts back to being inferior. 
4. Lighting and colour
The lighting in this scene is very limited as a result of only using one main light source, the light bulb. The creates importance on the light bulb as in order for both the lady and the audience to see what's going on everyone relies on the light bulb. Knowing this the presence in the room with the lady then targets the light bulb leaving the room temporarily dark. This creates a moment of uncertainty and apprehension of the film as you believe that when the lights come back on something will now be there in the scene with Carolyn.
However as the lighting relights the room we see that it is coming from a match stick. This creates the feeling of suspense of foreboding as a match stick is an unreliable light source as so will inevitably go out. This being said the match stick then helps to create a timer on the scene as we know it will end as the matchstick does. 
In terms of colours in this scene they are very rare. All colours that are present seem to be dull which disengages the audience to the background. However there are hints of colour used in the scene which is all to emphasis an important part in the film. For example the brightest thing in the room is the pink dressing gown which draws attention and focus to the actress. Other than this it is the light bulb and matchsticks and the initial glow they create as to be able to affect them they help show where the presence is in the room.
5.Position of character and objects
One main position that is important to this scene is when they leading actress falls down the stairs. Consequently of this she ends up landing in a big pile on the bottom of the stairs in an open space. This creates suspense and foreboding within the audience as they can see how vulnerable the character is as she can be attacked from all sides and angles.
As well as this the position of the main character at the end of the film is also very important as she appears to be kneeling and hunched over the stairs. Although this can be seen as a position of power as technically she is at the top of the stairs which is higher and typically safer than the bottom of the stairs making her seem empowered and superior. However the fact that she is kneeling suggests a weak, begging position which shows that she is being manipulated by the thing in the room with her and is pleading for mercy. As well as this by hunching over the stair its highlights that she is on edge and is seeking an answer and is in full focus as she believes now she will see whatever is there come up the stairs, which now we know was infact always behind her.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy, this post demonstrates a good understanding of mise-en-scene and how it builds a relationship with an audience. The analysis that you have written is detailed and this is beacuse you have explored the examples well.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Relate your points back to the conventions of a thriller in more detail
    2) Include screenshots to support the points that you have made
    3) Include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your thriller
    4) Reference your research
